Friday, March 23, 2012

Spatial Profiling: The Kemper Profiling Amp

Cloner Rock
Amp modeling has been around for about two decades now, and although many detest it, it’s more popular than ever.  Be it from a device or software on your laptop, phone or ipad.  Oversimplified, modelers use complex algorithms based on studio analysis of a specific amp to reproduce the tone and response of the amp digitally.
Obviously there are some rather large differences in quality amongst modelers but the one thing they all provide is huge convenience.  
We have now hit the point where there is a high-end guitar processor market.  The Fractal Axe-FX has spent the last few years alone at the top processor game, due to it’s renowned sounds and popularity with pros, but that's about to change.  The Kemper Profiling Amplifier enters the Thunderdome.

“Profiling Amplifier?  Profiling?  What is that all about?” That’s what I said.  Then I started looking into it.
This amp can analyze and profile the tone of any amp and store it!  It comes with some amazing profiles of boutique amps to begin with but you also have the ability to copy any amp you can get your hands on.  To make things even sweeter, you can share the profiles with other users.  That’s kind of insane.  It’s one thing to share tones with guys who have the same tools as you but it’s another thing to virtually play someone else's amp.  Ridiculous.

At $1850.00 it’s pricey but a lot less than every single amp ever built.  Or even just a single high-end amp.  Ok, how does it sound?  I have yet to play it but it seems like every video I see has really tremendous sound. 

Are “Profiling” amps are the next “Modeling” amps?  Who knows what we'll be using in five years.   But for now, it seems like the bar may have just been raised.
At $1850.00 it’s pricey but a lot less than every single amp ever built.

 Watch the Kemper profile a Bogner

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